Tuition Amounts and schedule for the 2024-2025 Season
Fall Semester is August through November. Spring Semester is January through May. You may pay by semester or by the year.
Semesters: This season will be divided into 2 Semesters:
Treble Makers
Fall: September 16th – November 24th (may do a caroling event in December)
Spring: February 17th - May 8th
Concert Choir
Fall: August 29th – December 12th (Sing at the Biltmore in December)
Spring: January 16th - May 8th
Adult Choir
Fall: September 8th - December 20th
Spring: January 12th - May 4th
Payment Schedule: 2 Choices:
Pay in full for the year on or by the first rehearsal.
Pay in full for each semester on or before the first rehearsal day of each semester.
We have a monthly payment plan option available that you can set up with our operations manager.
Please contact the Operations Manager if you need to set up a different payment plan.
Scholarships: Scholarships are available on an as-needed basis. If you desire to apply for a scholarship, please email the Operations Manager, Emily Youngwood, at voicesinthelaurel@gmail.com for directions on how to apply. Scholarship applications are reviewed by a committee of the Board of Directors and are held strictly confidential.
Our team has been working very hard to prepare a meaningful choral experience for our choristers. Join us as we celebrate our 28th year!