Tuition Amounts and schedule for the 2024-2025 Season

Fall Semester is August through November. Spring Semester is January through May. You may pay by semester or by the year.

  • Semesters: This season will be divided into 2 Semesters:

    Treble Makers

  • Fall: September 16th – November 24th (may do a caroling event in December)

  • Spring: February 17th - May 8th

    Concert Choir

  • Fall: August 29th – December 12th (Sing at the Biltmore in December)

  • Spring: January 16th - May 8th

    Adult Choir

  • Fall: September 8th - December 20th

  • Spring: January 12th - May 4th

Payment Schedule: 2 Choices:

  1. Pay in full for the year on or by the first rehearsal.

  2. Pay in full for each semester on or before the first rehearsal day of each semester.

  3. We have a monthly payment plan option available that you can set up with our operations manager.


Please contact the Operations Manager if you need to set up a different payment plan.

Scholarships: Scholarships are available on an as-needed basis. If you desire to apply for a scholarship, please email the Operations Manager, Emily Youngwood, at voicesinthelaurel@gmail.com for directions on how to apply. Scholarship applications are reviewed by a committee of the Board of Directors and are held strictly confidential.

Our team has been working very hard to prepare a meaningful choral experience for our choristers. Join us as we celebrate our 28th year!